Cancer Screening and Prevention Research Group

Who we are

The Cancer Screening and Prevention Research Group (CSPRG) is an internationally renowned research group based at Imperial College London. Established in 2008 by the late Professor Wendy Atkin and now headed by Professor Amanda Cross, the group has extensive expertise in conducting clinical trials and includes an experienced team of research scientists, statisticians, clinical trial managers, data analysts and data managers.

What we do

The research focus of the CSPRG is gastrointestinal cancers including bowel cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, oesophageal cancer and gastric cancers. In the UK, over 41,000 people are diagnosed with bowel cancer alone every year and 16,000 people die from the disease. Through our research we hope to reduce the numbers of people receiving a diagnosis of gastrointestinal cancer and dying from this disease. Much of our work focuses on how to help make bowel cancer screening and surveillance programmes more effective and acceptable for participants, and more efficient for the NHS, and other health services internationally.

How we do it

We conduct large-scale studies by either recruiting people from participating healthcare providers or by collating and analysing data collected from UK-based hospitals and other data providers.

How we are funded

We receive funding from the UK Government, through the Department of Health and research councils, as well as charities including Cancer Research UK, 40tude and the Bobby Moore Fund.

Information we may hold about you and your options if you wish to opt out

If you have taken part in a bowel cancer screening programme, gone to your GP with symptoms suggestive of bowel cancer, agreed to participate in one of our studies or had bowel cancer treatment on the NHS, we may retain some information about you. Our Patient Data page provides further details on how we process this data and your options if you wish to opt out.

For researchers – requesting data

Data used in CSPRG research was collected subject to the informed consent of the participants and / or under section 251 support. Access to the individual-level anonymised data will only be granted in line with the relevant informed consent form or section 251 support, subject to approval by the appropriate research ethics committee, Health Research Authority (HRA) and HRA Confidentiality Advisory Group (HRA-CAG) as required, under a formal data sharing agreement.

To discuss a request for data please contact the CSPRG (see Contact us) providing the following information: the proposed study objectives, the data you require and timelines for completion of the research.