14 Aug

Information we may hold about you and your options if you wish to opt out

If you have taken part in the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme, visited your GP with symptoms suggestive of bowel cancer, agreed to participate in one of our studies, visited a hospital with symptoms related to bowel cancer or had bowel cancer treatment on the NHS, we may hold some information about you.

Please look at our individual Studies pages under sections ‘When and where did the study take place’ and ‘Who is included in the study’ to assess whether we may have collected your information for any of our studies.

If we only hold pseudonymised or anonymised (explained above) information about you, we cannot identify you from the data that we hold. This page and our Studies pages list our data providers so you can approach them directly to find out whether we hold data about you.

You have the right to access the data personal data we hold about you. See the  ICO website for your rights on Subject Access Request. If you wish to write to us, our contact details can be found here.

If your information has been used in any of our studies and we can identify you from the data we hold about you, you have the right to refuse or withdraw consent to sharing your information at any moment in time. There are possible consequences to our research if you do not share your information, but these will be fully explained to you to help you with making your decision. You can opt out at any time by contacting us.